At Insurance Designers Kansas City for Advanced Markets we have support (Software, Sample Documents) including access to Advanced Sales Departments in most of our major Carriers. The Carriers have Concept pieces, Attorneys and other Presentation materials available. Please contact us for help with Business cases, Other Professionals, and High Net Worth Clients. |
It is difficult to think about the logistics of settling an estate, such as notifying people, collecting records, completing paperwork, safeguarding assets, and addressing business concerns. Find the answers to many frequently asked questions when working with clients who have considerable wealth.
Discover innovative strategies for supplemental retirement planning designed for individuals and small business owners in maximizing their use of retirement vehicles.
While tax-deferred investments offer an attractive way to accumulate money for future income needs, they can be inefficient if the goal is to pass the asset to heirs. They could be subject to both income and estate taxes at your client's death. Wealth Transfer could be an effective alternative.
Making charitable gifts can help your clients not only to achieve their charitable objectives, but also to preserve their personal wealth. Life insurance can greatly leverage the benefits of charitable gifts, whether by a simple gift of a life insurance policy to a charity, or through more complex planning techniques.
Life insurance may be the best means available to help a business protect itself, provide for an orderly continuation, retain valuable employees, and ensure future security for its owners and key employees. Find out how to tap into this vast and growing market.
As a successful individual who has accumulated significant assets, your client may have a need for life insurance in their estate plan. However, finding the liquid assets to purchase a large insurance policy is not always a simple thing to do.